10 Ways To Combat Stress At Work


Whether you’re working from home or are in the office, you can still experience stress. Work-related stress can take on many forms, including inattentiveness, procrastination, hiding in your office to avoid meetings or bump-ins with colleagues, neck and shoulder aches, and even irritability. It can start before you even get into the office, and can continue well into the night after you get home. If left untreated, it can seriously impact your performance at work and lower your self-esteem.

Here are some simple things you can do to manage stress at work before it gets out of hand:

  1. Take A Break

    Under Labor Code 512, California employers are mandated by law to give their non-exempt employees a lunch break after five hours worked. While it may be compelling to work through your lunch, this habit could be contributing to your stress in a major way. Even though the break may be short, it can help you to feel re-energized to power through the rest of your work day. Take advantage of every break you are offered!

  2. Stretch

    Leaning over a computer all day is not healthy for your body. After 8 hours of this, you can wind up with a sore neck, shoulders, and back. Make sure you get up every hour for a few minutes to stretch, walk around, and massage your muscles. Try rolling your head from side to side, or shrugging your shoulders to release any tension. Don’t forget to massage out your hands and wrists too!

  3. Get Outside

    Being cooped up inside everyday isn’t good for anyone. Exposure to sunlight (in moderate amounts) can improve mood, as can being out in nature. If you are able, take some time each day to go for a walk in a park or sit on a bench for ten minutes or so. You may find that when you return to the office, you feel refreshed, relaxed, and ready to conquer the rest of the afternoon.

  4. Take Your Eyes Off The Screen

    If your job entails staring at a screen, you might find that your eyes get tried, your head hurts, or you just feel drained. Every so often, look away from the screen and focus on something far away. Gaze out a window if you can and double down on some self-care by focusing on nature.

  5. Practice Saying “No”

    No you do not have to be available for everyone at all times! At work, it can often be difficult for us to say no to someone when they ask for our time. However, the more time we spend focusing on other people’s needs, the less time we can devote to our own and the more stressed we will get. It is imperative that you have good boundaries with others at work so that you can take care of your responsibilities. Try saying “I ‘m busy right now but I can meet with you at… ,” “I have to get this task done right now. Can you send me an email instead so I can follow up with you later today?” “I would like to give this issue my full attention, so let’s set an appointment to talk about it….”

  6. Set Hours Of Availability

    Another way you can set boundaries between yourself and your colleagues is to share a calendar with them of times you are available to talk. You can send one out digitally or post one on the door to your office. Having an “In/Out” sign can help too, just as long as you remember to switch it when necessary.

  7. Fuel Up

    I know this sounds crazy, but you can’t survive on coffee alone. Make sure to feed yourself throughout the day. If we don’t eat when our bodies tell us to, we can become irritable, tired, and have difficulty concentrating. Pack nutritious snacks to have throughout the day and make sure to drink plenty of water!

  8. Make A List

    When we have a lot of tasks that need to get accomplished at work, we can easily drown in them without having some structure, causing our stress levels to go up. Instead of having to go through dozens of old emails or rifle through a pile of post-its, make a list of things that need your attention for the day. When you feel empowered over your work, it can be more manageable and less stressful.

  9. Meditate

    Taking 5 minutes to meditate at work can seriously be a game changer if you can find a quiet enough space to do it. By meditating, you can let go of tense muscles, have time to check in with yourself, and still your mind for a moment. Meditation has many health benefits, including stress reduction, and by doing it at work, it can be something you can incorporate into your daily routine.

  10. Turn It Off

    When you’re done at work for the day, you should be done. Period. Turn off your work phone, close the laptop, and refrain from checking your emails. You need time away from work to rest and recuperate so you can be your best self for your family, friends, and most importantly, you. Stressing about work after you have gone home won’t make you feel better or solve any problems. Leave the office behind you when you walk out the door, and start enjoying the rest of your life.

If you are suffering from work-related stress, you have come to the right place. Reach out and get started with stress management therapy today.


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