Wild Woman Adventures

Become the Woman You Are Meant to be Today

Welcome to Wild Woman Adventures

You’ve come to a time in your life where you want to make a change. You’ve been feeling stuck, like you’ve been going in circles or repeating old habits that you want to break. Maybe you’re hitting a milestone birthday or are experiencing Saturn’s Return. Perhaps you’re going through the dissolution of a relationship or your children are leaving the nest. Or, maybe you’re just looking to reconnect with yourself in a meaningful way.

You are on the verge of a great leap into the beyond. To do something big - to change yourself, quit a joyless job, leave a toxic relationship - takes courage. Change is frightening, but if you hold yourself back from it, you will never know what life is like on the other side. You will continue to feel stuck. To feel dissatisfied at work, unhappy in your relationships, and disconnected from your dreams. If you can't change now, you will continue to keep yourself back from who you are meant to be.

This year, you can choose to be content with how things are. Or, you can take that leap of faith and explore what the universe has in store for you.

Whatever needs changing in your life, your intuition and drive to shed the old and birth the new you has brought you here. In many cultures, vision quests and wilderness rites of passage have been used to mark transitionary times in people’s lives. They are filled with challenge, reflection, and celebration.